

장기적으로 노트로 이동 예정
Lutropur MSA - Acid for use in the electroplating industry and in the manufacture of
등록 : 2008.09.07
제조 : BASF
용도 : 산성주석
특성 : Methanesulphonic acid
CAS : CH3SO3H = 96.11 g/mol
명칭 : clear, slightly yellowish, odour-free
성상 :
분류 : TDS

자료 :

키워드 :

자료요약 (카테고리 : 전기도금 | 글입력 : 티타늄 | 최종수정일 : 2010. 02. 03. Wednesday)
Lutropur MSA is mainly employed as an electrolyte in electroplating baths on account of the range of properties that it displays. It is increasingly being used as an alternative to other acids such as tetrafluoroboric acid, phenolsulphonic acid or sulphuric acid. [Lutropur MSA - Acid for use in the electroplat...