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검색글 산성주석 2건

Lutropur MSA is mainly employed as an electrolyte in electroplating baths on account of the range of properties that it displays. It is increasingly being used as an alternative to other acids such as ...

전기도금 · 산성주석 · Methanesulphonic acid · CH3SO3H = 96.11 g/mol · clear, slightly yellowish, odour-free 참조 0회

Glutaraldehyde is a biocide supplied by BASF Specialty Chemicals Division under the tradenames of Protectol GA 50 and Protectol GA 24. The chemical structure is as follows: The chemical name is 1,5-Pen...

기타 · 산성주석 · Glutaraldehyde Products / 1,5-Pentanedial · · 참조 0회