

검색글 730건
  Permutit Filters AVGF Gravity Filters /
등록 : 2013.10.20 ⋅ 32회 인용
제조 :
용도 : Siemens
목적 :
특성 :
기타 :
자료 :
  • ※ 자료가 없는경우 관련사이트를 참조하여, Web에서 검색하십시요.

카테고리 : 실험연구설비 | 글입력 : goldbug | 최종수정일 : 2013.10.20
The AVGF® gravity filter operates on the loss of head principle. Raw water enters the filter chamber, flows down through the filtermedia into the collection chamber and up through the effluent duct to service. As the filter bed collects dirt during the filter run, head loss increases and the water le...