

검색글 729건
  LEN-920 System / 무전해니켈
등록 : 2008.10.10 ⋅ 555회 인용
제조 : 조제품
용도 : Lekem
목적 : E 3 p
특성 :
기타 :
자료 :
  • ※ 자료가 없는경우 관련사이트를 참조하여, Web에서 검색하십시요.

카테고리 : | 글입력 : 티타늄 | 최종수정일 : 2008.10.10
LEN-920 deposits have a nickel-phosphorous alloy that is deposited by means of an autocatalytic reduction of metal from solution without the use of electricity. LEN-920 coatings are noted for the following properties: Coating is uniform at a consistent, rapid rate, bright Electroless Nickel process w...