

검색글 730건
  TINPLATE / Electroless Immersion Tin Plating Agent
등록 : 2014.07.09 ⋅ 39회 인용
제조 : 첨가제
용도 : electrospelle
목적 :
특성 : 영어 2 쪽
기타 : 있음(다운로드불가)
자료 :
  • ※ 자료가 없는경우 관련사이트를 참조하여, Web에서 검색하십시요.

카테고리 : 치환도금 | 글입력 : goldbug | 최종수정일 : 2014.07.09
Tinplate is an electroless immersion tin plating agent. It is used for coating copper surfaces, such as on printed circuit boards (PCBs), with a thin, uniform layer of tin. The plating works by simple immersion in Tinplate at room temperature. The tin coating thus produced has a matt (non-shiny) appe...