

검색글 브론즈도금 1건
  Unibronze 810
브론즈 도금 프로세스
등록 : 2014.11.13 ⋅ 29회 인용
제조 : KUNZ
용도 : 브론즈 도금
목적 : 장식도금
특성 :
기타 : 외부자료
영어 4 쪽
자료 :

카테고리 : 전기도금 | 글입력 : goldbug | 최종수정일 : 2022.12.18
UNIBRONZE 810 is very suitable as an interim deposit prior gold plating. Gold deposits can be very thin, as practically no difference in colour is visible in places where these gold deposits have been rubbed off. This is also the major advantage compared with nickel deposits. Additionally, the absenc...