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그리콜산 / Glycolic Acid / General Metal Finishinf and Cleaning
Glycolic Acid - General Metal Finishinf and Cleaning
등록 : 2018.01.11
제조 : Chemours
용도 : 금속용 산성탈지
특성 : OH - CH2 -C(=O) - OH
명칭 :
성상 : 맑거나 약한 갈색
분류 :

자료 :

키워드 :

자료요약 (카테고리 : 전처리 | 글입력 : GoldBuG | 최종수정일 : 2018. 01. 11. Thursday)
Glycolic acid is an excellent choice for your copper and aluminum metal finishing processes. It is a good raw material for new or re-formulated surface cleaner applications when looking for less toxic materials. Glycolic acid is 100% biodegradable, reducing the impact your finishing application leaves on the e...